About Us

✦ Woman - Owned ✦ Socially Conscious ✦ Masterfully Curated 

The Beginning

Our story starts with a passion for history, and the desire to bring the romantic beauty of historical clothing into modern everyday fashion. 

Scouring stores both online and in person, our founder sought to find styles that captured the essence of the past, with few options at her disposal. Spending time curating, altering, crafting, and dreaming up the perfect history-inspired wardrobe led to the realization that there is a lack of quality resources that offer modern yet historically faithful clothing options for everyday wear. Thus, Yore Finery was born.

Expertise ❈ 

With a life-long love for fashion, and an academic background in Art History, Museum Studies, and Cultural History from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern period, our founder uses her experience to research, design, craft, and curate special pieces that invoke the spirit of times past. 


 The Yore Team ❈ 

Yore Finery is a small business, run by a small team of two + the help of several part-time contributors. Each of us involved have a passion for unique self-expression, and would love to see the world flourish with historically-inspired fashion being worn in everyday life.


Three Ways to Shop

With the importance of world issues like environmental sustainability, ethical work practices, size inclusivity, and affordability weighing on our hearts, Yore Finery consciously seeks to offer ways to shop for everyone wanting to enhance their wardrobes with pieces of the past. 

We currently offer Vintage and Upcycled pieces for those who want a more sustainable shopping experience, Handmade / Customizable options for those that want their purchasing power to contribute to ethical work practices, and Curated readymade pieces for affordable, easy, and quick acquisition.


✦ Stretch Goal ✦ 

With enough resources, we hope to one day put out a historical fashion inspired line that incorporates all of our values in one, with inclusive sizing to boot. Stay tuned!


If you would like to learn more, check out our FAQ page, or send us a message!